About Us
Jiangxi Green Top Biological Technology Co, Ltd. is one of the professional Manufactures and Suppliers of Organic Fertilizers to the world clients, with its international office location in Jiangxi Province,China ,where is rich of leonardite. Our products are now distributed to over20 countries around the world and have built up a strong reputation for quality and reliability.
Our current products are pure humic acid, potassium humate, sodium humate, potassium fulvate, amino acid, seaweed extract and other organic fertilizer formulations.
We continuously invest in new products and innovative technologies to provide our customer high-quality products with a wild range of application.

Potassium Humate
Potassium Humate is a dark black humate derived from leonardite with high content of humic acid. When applied to soils it helps break compacted soils allowing for improved water penetration.For sandy soils, our humic acid adds essential organic material necessary for water retention and enhancing the sandy soil’s ability to retain and not leach out vital plant nutrients.

Sodium Humate
Sodium Humate is the salt of humic acid. It is manufactured commercially by alkaline extraction of brown coal (lignite) Leonardite to be used mainly as a soil conditioner. The extraction is performed in water with the addition of potassium hydroxide (NaOH), sequestering agents and hydrotropic surfactants.
The Size of the Humate Flake, Big or Small?
The Size of the Humate Flake, Big or Small? Customers seeking humate products by different qualities. Except for High HA content,Low Moisture Content and Excellent Water Solubility. Many customers have special requirements on the [...]